Region 34 Convention and Competition 2025: Hobart



Our 2025 Region 34 Convention and Competition will run from 15–18 May at Wrest Point, 410 Sandy Bay Rd, Sandy Bay Tas 7005.

Wrest Point is a tried and tested convention venue and we know that long-time members will have wonderful memories from past conventions in Hobart. The stage is great, the auditorium is big, the traffic pattern opportunity is perfect for us and it's got great spaces to accommodate afterglow fun. AND, after a $64m facelift, the complex is looking fabulous! 

For all the latest details about convention registration, awards, competition entry forms, and the schedule, check out the key information and links to each Convention Bulletin below! 


Click HERE to head to the registration portal. 
Early-bird registration is available until 31 March 2025. Registration closes 30 April 2025. Early-bird rates are:

  • SAA members:  $310
  • Youth (age 25 and younger):  $180
  • Other registrants:  $360

All fees will increase by $20 from 1 April 2025. 

Competition Information

Planning is zooming along! Please note the following information for competitors:

  • Stage entry is on Stage Left (except for mobility impaired), and exit Stage Right for all competitors. Traffic patterns will be published on this page when available. 

  • Open Division contestants are strongly advised to read the Competition Handbook regarding the use of props on stage. 

Regional Competition Forms:

It is essential for each competing chorus or quartet to complete both a Competition Information and a Copyright Form for the region – see list below (click on the form's name to access each Google form). Only a Director or TC/President may complete the chorus forms.

Please complete the following forms by 15 April:

Other Sweet Adelines International forms must also be forwarded ahead of the combined briefing on Sunday 11 May – see list below (click on the form name to download the form). These forms are only to be completed by a competing quartet member or Director/Team Coordinator/President.

Please complete the following forms by 10 May and forward to:

Quartet Forms

Chorus Forms

Competitor Order of Appearance:   (coming soon!)

Traffic Pattern Times:   (coming soon!)

  • Quartet Traffic Pattern Times  preliminary
  • Chorus Traffic Pattern Times  preliminary

Traffic Pattern Maps and Videos:   (coming soon!)

  • Chorus and Quartet Standard Traffic Pattern Map
  • Mobility-Challenged Traffic Pattern Map
  • Video Walk-Through of the Traffic Pattern

Convention Bulletins:

Check out our Convention Bulletins for all the convention details so far:

Session Tickets:

General public session tickets to a number of convention sessions will be available for online purchase after convention registration has closed. Our venue has plenty of space, so please invite family and friends so they can be part of the action! 

Please note that tickets purchased this way will not provide allocated seating with a chorus; that can only be done through the full convention registration process.

Judging Panel:

  • Expression – Kerri Mauney

  • Music – Kay Bromert

  • Sound – Valerie Taylor (Panel Chair)

  • Visual Communication – Tori Postma

Read more about the judges in their biographies.