Are You Interested in starting a Sweet Adelines Chorus? Sweet!
Members of Sweet Adelines International radiate a passion for singing and performing four-part a cappella harmony, barbershop style. You’ll be amazed by the unlimited opportunities and once-in-a-lifetime experiences that thousands of Sweet Adelines International members participate in each week.
Steps to chartering
We are pleased to offer you an incredible opportunity to build a Sweet Adelines chorus through our chapter-chartering program. The program is designed to assist and inspire you throughout the chartering process.

Vocal Edge Blue Mountains chartered in 2016
You can make an initial enquiry about the steps to chartering by contacting the Regional Membership Coordinator on the Regional Management Team. She will be eager to assist you in making contact with the Sweet Adelines International membership specialists and supporting your chartering efforts.
A wealth of information and assistance is available to you from the Sweet Adelines International headquarters office in Tulsa, USA. To request a complimentary introductory packet, click here.
If you would like to start building your chorus right away, complete the Request for Prospective Status form. As soon as international headquarters receives the form, the chorus is immediately entered as an official prospective chorus in Step One of the Steps Toward Chartering Program.
Step One Materials include:
Upon entering Step One, a Steps Program Kit with Step One materials is mailed to the chorus contact. These valuable resources assist prospective chorus leaders with designing a wide array of plans essential for building a prospective chorus suitable for the women in your area.
- Music and learning tapes
- Performance and instructional videos
- Membership Recruitment materials, including membership brochures and guest passes
- Step One Booklet, a comprehensive “how to” prospective chorus guide with helpful information ranging from:
- Finding a chorus director
- Holding an introductory meeting
- Planning the first and second rehearsals
- Planning for Guests
- Basic Criteria for Public Performance
- Barbershop Techniques
- Teaching Barbershop Harmony
- Auditioning Procedures
- Copyright and Music Licenses
- Chapter Guide, a handbook that provides a thorough overview of efficient chapter management
- Real Guide to Growth, a handbook that contains the latest membership recruitment and retention tools for public relations and marketing efforts
- Member Handbook, a template that aids in creating a guide for new chorus members.
- Access to the members only online Marketing Center with a large assortment of educational and campaign resources, such as:
- Professionally designed print and web templates available for local customization with your prospective chorus’ contact information.
- Pre-written press templates to customize and distribute locally.
- Webinars (Web-based seminars) available on-demand with topics by expert trainers.
- Training library with educational articles, handbooks and tools.
Step Two Materials include:
After successfully completing the established objectives in Step One, prospective choruses move into Step Two by submitting the Request for Step Two form to international headquarters. The materials in the Step Two package will help prospective chorus leaders develop sound administrative procedures quickly, efficiently and effectively, so that the chorus can spend the majority of its time singing.
- Music and learning tapes
- Membership Recruitment materials, including membership brochures and guest passes
- Step Two Booklet, a comprehensive “how to” prospective chorus guide with helpful administrative information ranging from:
- Developing chapter standing rules
- Determining membership eligibility
- Establishing dues and fees
- Forming chapter government
- Setting goals
- Regional visits
- Preparing to charter
- Policy Book, a publication of Sweet Adelines International policies and bylaws
- Membership Kit, including all of the forms necessary to charter
Start-up Pack for new Choruses
This is some general info for prospective choruses and forms from the SAI website. Also, added in red, when the visits take place (1 music and 1 admin per Step). They are funded by SAI and there is a claim form.
Starting a Sweet Adelines Chorus
International Funded Visit
These are the forms that the RMT EdC and MeC (or whoever visits a prospective chorus) will send into SAI after the visit. These forms also have claim bits at the end of them.
Music Visit Report
Admin Visit Report
The Steps Program
Administered by the Membership Department at international headquarters, the Steps Program assists prospective choruses through a series of steps to becoming a chartered chapter of Sweet Adelines International.
Contact: For more information on the Steps Program, or for information on starting a new Sweet Adelines chorus, contact the
Membership Department at international headquarters