In Region 34, we present a range of awards, to honour competition achievements, in addition to member contributions and achievements. To navigate quickly to an awards category, please use the links in the table of contents, below.
Table of contents
These awards are the same in every Sweet Adelines International (SA) region.
The first place chorus receives a perpetual plaque from SA, as well as a cup from the region – see below.
In addition, each competing member of the first place chorus and the director will receive the official medal purchased by Region 34 from SA headquarters. Medals will be purchased from SA headquarters from regional funds.
The following awards are presented by SA at the Region 34 Annual Convention and Competition:
The champion quartet receives the region’s perpetual trophy. In addition, each competing member of the champion quartet receives the official medal purchased by the region from SA headquarters. Medals are purchased from SA headquarters from regional funds.
The following awards are presented by SA at the Region 34 Annual Convention and Competition:
The Most Improved Chorus Award is presented by SA.
The winner is the chorus that shows the greatest increase in total points over the preceding year’s competition. If a tie exists between two or more contestants, multiple awards are presented.
Each member of the Most Improved Chorus receives a ribbon from SA and a medal from Region 34, and the chorus receives a perpetual trophy from Region 34.
Sweet Adelines International presents awards for midsize choruses (26–50 singers) in the Division AA category as follows:
Sweet Adelines International presents Awards to small choruses (12–25 singers) in the Division A category as follows:
SA produces Certificates of Recognition for every chorus that competes in regional competition, signifying their participation in that competition.
Currently directing:
No longer directing:
Region 34 does not have any of these (yet!)
In addition to the SA awards (which are the same in every regional competition), Region 34 also presents some awards of its own:
In 2018, Endeavour Harmony Chorus donated a perpetual trophy to the region to be given as a regional award to the Champion Chorus at regional convention.
The award is presented by Region 34 to a quartet participating in regional competition that meets the following criteria:
The award is presented during the convention weekend. The Novice Quartet Trophy was donated by Linda Wareham. The quartet will also receive pins and a free coaching session by a member of the Regional Education Faculty.
This regional award is a perpetual trophy presented to a director at each competition who:
must have all quartet members aged 55 years and above, with a combined age of at least 240 years at the time of the contest; and
have achieved the highest score of all Opal quartets that year with a minimum of 400 points
The award recipient is ratified by the Education Coordinator in consultation with the Directors’ Coordinator prior to presentation of the award at convention.
During the convention weekend, the winning quartet is presented with medals and a letter confirming a complimentary coaching session.
The winning quartet receives a complimentary coaching session with a member of the Regional Education Faculty (REF). The REF must be in the geographical area of the quartet already (e.g. for other coaching/workshops), and is paid $150 by the region for 2 hours of coaching. The Opal Quartet Award is proudly sponsored by Bec and Aaron Hewitt.
To be eligible for the Youth Quartet Award, the nominee:
must have all quartet members aged 25 years or younger at the time of the contest; and
have achieved the highest score of all youth quartets that year with a minimum of 400 points
The award recipient is ratified by the Education Coordinator in consultation with the Directors’ Coordinator prior to presentation of the award at convention.
During the convention weekend, the winning quartet is presented with medals and a letter confirming a complimentary coaching session.
The winning quartet receives a complimentary coaching session with a member of the Regional Education Faculty (REF). The REF must be in the geographical area of the quartet already (e.g. for other coaching/workshops), and is paid $150 by the region for 2 hours of coaching. The Youth Quartet Award is proudly sponsored by Emily Moriarty,
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This regional award, in the form of a perpetual trophy plus individual pins, is awarded to the quartet whose score demonstrates the largest increase in points since the previous year’s competition (no minimum score).
To be eligible, the quartet must:
In the Open Division, choruses and quartets can perform an entertainment package consisting of one competition song along with other songs and material for a maximum of ten minutes.
The Brava Award is awarded each year at regional convention if there is a competitor in the Open Division that year. There is one Brava Award for the chorus contest and one for the quartet contest. If there is only one competitor in a particular contest’s Open Division, they are presented with this award as recognition of their work. If there are multiple competitors, 100 audience members are randomly chosen to vote for the most entertaining package
Each year choruses will receive Certificates of Excellence from Region 34 for reaching significant milestone scores.
These certificates will be awarded to choruses who reach the 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700 and 750 score milestones for the first time.
Established in 2020, the Hall of Fame is a once-in-a-lifetime achievement, which is presented to eligible recipient(s) chosen from nominations submitted to the RMT.
Membership in the Region 34 Hall of Fame is awarded to people who have given selflessly of their time, talents, and expertise for the love and joy of singing, and who have had a profound impact on the entire membership of Region 34. This honour may be bestowed posthumously.
Visit our public Hall of Fame page to see the people who have been honoured with membership in the Region 34 Hall of Fame.
The Lindsey Dyer Achievement Award is presented annually at the Region 34 Convention and Competition to a chorus or quartet from Region 34. This award was established in 2021 in memory of the late Lindsey Dyer, who was a passionate leader within Region 34. Lindsey contributed to the Region in many ways: as an eight-time winning bass in three champion quartets, Master Co-Director of a champion chorus, a founding Director of two choruses, a member of the Regional Education Faculty, Education Coordinator, Directors' Coordinator, a mentor, coach, and friend to many.
Nominations for the Lindsey Dyer Achievement Award are invited from (or on behalf of) choruses and quartets which, over the last year, have worked to improve their performance and skills while upholding the values of Sweet Adelines International in Region 34. This may be demonstrated by consistent attendance at regional education events, working with Regional Education Faculty and/or coaches, engagement with the community, positive group culture and, most of all, a love of barbershop with demonstrable initiative and commitment to the values of Sweet Adelines International. The winning group receives a perpetual trophy and a certificate.
Past recipients of the Lindsey Dyer Achievement Award:
This award recognises excellence in Director Certification Program (DCP) achievement and is awarded every second year, in even years.
Since 2018, the award also comes with a $1000 scholarship ($500 donated by the Reinsch family and $500 by the region) for further education of a newly certified director.
Of those who have completed the course over the two years leading up to the award, the three with the best overall results are nominated for the award, and the final decision is made by a selection committee comprising the DCP Coordinator, the Directors’ Coordinator and Education Coordinator. The decision is made by 1 March of the relevant year, and announced at convention in the same year.
Past recipients of the Marian Reinsch Award are:
These awards are presented by Region 34 to recognise and thank our members who work tirelessly to ensure the success of our choruses and of our region. This award was an initiative of Margaret Richards, a long-standing member of the Southern Cross Region, who has served at both chorus and regional levels for many years.
Each chartered chorus our region, and Chapter-At-Large, is invited to submit one Sweet Adeline of the Year nominee from their chapter. All nominees will be recognised as award winners. Candidates may or may not hold an elected or other high-profile position within their chapters or Region 34.
The ideal candidates serve their chapters and region to the best of their ability, without thought of personal gain, but solely for the love of the organisation. Candidates should display many or all of the following traits:
All chapter nominees will be presented with a certificate and badge at the annual regional convention. Although it is intended to be a very special occasion for all recipients of these awards, attendance at convention is not a pre-requisite to receiving the honour.
Recognition is given to chorus marketing teams for the work they do to promote their chorus performances, membership drives, fundraising efforts and other activities.
Certificates of achievement are awarded and the entries are displayed in the foyer at regional convention.
Ann Gooch is a Sweet Adelines pioneer, responsible for establishing and growing regions outside of the USA for over 30 years. Since 2001, SA has presented an award in Ann’s name to recognise outstanding achievements in education and promotion of barbershop harmony singing in a worldwide region or satellite area.
We congratulate our region’s winners of this prestigious award: