Lea Baker
Master Director, Endeavour Harmony
Sydney, NSW
0411 101 963
My goal is to help singers discover effortless, expressive and engaging voice use. I use a holistic approach to voice teaching and during my studies at NIDA, learned the value of vocal training for stage actors and how these techniques are extremely useful for singers.
Lea’s Bio |
Sharon Cartwright
Gold Coast, Qld
0414 534 772
I’m a specialist in chorus visioning, goal setting, strategic planning, communication and all kinds of skill building to help your chorus leaders and teams work smarter, not harder. My work strengthens the administrative and leadership skills needed during changing times and to support healthy and happy choruses.
Sharon’s Bio |
Vicki Dwyer
Master Director, Circular Keys
Sydney, NSW
0407 777 355
I’m a professional voice teacher, coaching singers to be fully aware of their instrument and how to get the best out of it. I also work with choruses and quartets, developing your ideas into a strong interpretative plan that best represents you as a performer and providing you with an interesting and highly competitive product. Music arranging and conducting are also my specialty.
Vicki’s Bio
Ainslie Fraser
Hobart Harmony
Hobart, Tas
0409 402 197
I am a Visual Communications leader and Assistant Director. I live and breathe barbershop, but also have a background in swing dance, theatre, opera, art, marketing and hypnotherapy. I have sung in bands, choirs, musicals and opera, cabaret acts and choral groups. I can help your singers gain confidence and clarity in performance.
Ainslie’s Bio
Bec Hewitt
Chapter at Large, Regional Education Coordinator
Perth, WA
0427 560 909
I’m a coach and teacher of Vocal Production, Music/Vocal Interpretation, Balance/Blend and Performance. I love working with singers, quartets and choruses to help them release their free and resonant voices and realise their potential.
Bec’s Bio
Jen Irvine
Music Director, Vocalescence
Gold Coast, Qld
0421 706 828
I’m your friendly neighbourhood singing and performance mentor and coach/Artistic and Music Director/Quartet singer/MC Extraordinaire/Barbershop tragic/Teller of tales.
Jen’s Bio
Avril Hughes
Canberra, ACT
0439 444 372
I’m excited to work with quartets and choruses to explore expression and the musical delivery of repertoire as an important method for connecting with audiences. I also work with members who want to expand their music theory knowledge and sight singing skills, through personal vocal instruction.
Avril’s Bio
Dianne James
Redland Rhapsody
Brisbane, Qld
0413 339 821
My experience is in membership based non-profit organisations run by a board of management. I have a particular interest in all things governance, and can help with visioning and planning, communication and those dreaded Rules!
Dianne’s Bio
Glenda Lloyd
Master Director, Brindabella
Canberra, ACT
0417 697 267
I’m a Master Director, quartet singer, educator, songwriter, arranger and professional facilitator helping to grow your ensemble as singers, musicians and leaders.
Glenda’s Bio
Liliana Macarone
Redland Rhapsody
Brisbane, Qld
0438 878 828
Exploring a range of skills involving story, character, physicality and voice, I can work with your chorus, quartet or ensemble, to create an energised, engaging performance that compliments and enhances the arrangement, musical interpretation and any choreography.
Liliana’s Bio |
Emily Moriarty
Chapter at Large
Geelong, Vic
0407 039 197
I’m a coach, arranger and learning track creator with a broad choral and theatre background, and I’m passionate about invigorating ensembles and maximising opportunities for unique storytelling.
Emily's Bio
Jo Oosterhoff
Master Director, A Cappella West
Perth, WA
0403 310 666
I am an International Faculty Associate, Master Director, Quartet Champion and 30-year Sweet Adeline. I love helping singers of all levels of experience find their best voices for a more joyous singing life!
Jo’s Bio
Jenni Pyefinch
Music Director, Hobart Harmony
Hobart, Tas
0421 109 952
I’m a musical director with more than 23 years’ experience directing Hobart Harmony, growing the chorus with inclusion, encouragement, and humour. I’m passionate about finding new ways to take on challenges and developing the skills in others.
Jenni’s Bio
Linda Wareham
Music Director, Northern Beaches
Central Coast, NSW
0418 677 052
I’m a private voice teacher and coach of singers of all ages, with a strong track record in coaching choruses, ensembles, quartets and individual singers to achieve their goals. My coaching sessions will leave you and your singers with increased confidence, better harmony blend, and fresh ideas for repertoire and performance style.
Linda’s Bio |